About Us



Sun – God’s grace.
Ocean – Equality of life.
Hand – Serve for each other life.
Heart – Uniqueness, and oneness of life.


Yellow – To brighten up life.
Blue – 
Peace, and understanding in life.
Green – 
Bring new society and live a calmed life.
Red –
Strengthen life and cares for each other.


The organization come into force on this day the
15th of October, 2015


To promote the environmental values based on the constitution of India

  • Article 48A: “the state shall endeavor to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the forests and wildlife in the country.”
  • Article 51A (g): the constitution expects that each citizen of the country must “protect and improve the natural environment, including forests, lakes, rivers, and wildlife and to have compassion for all living creatures.” 

I am happy to have known many of you personally. I am also happy that people are also realizing the need to protect our environment, for which EFG is started as a humble effort towards that goal. We look forward to your visit to our office which is situated at Chiephobozou Town which is 25KM away from Kohima main town, Nagaland, India. Do help us in our new upcoming environmental initiatives. Let us together build an earth family. Let us in our diversity create an earth democracy.

We all know that our country is a unity in diversity with differences in size, culture, languages, and pace of growth and even development. But we share a common desire i.e., to have a healthy environment, healthy people, as well as a healthy economy.

On this day let us “Serve for Better Life”


Keduolhoukho Chadi (Dominic Chadi)

It was early morning on 15th Oct 2015, when I (Keduolhoukho Chadi) along with my Dad had gone to meet some of our leaders in our village seeking for loan to get me admission at North East Institute of Social Science and Research (NEISSR), Nagaland, India for my Master Degree (Master of Social Work). We did not get a loan as we were from the economically weak background. I was remained frustrated and do not have any idea how to go about or whom should I approach to get financial assistance to do my studies.

Later in the afternoon, something had stuck in my mind where I thought of starting up a Trust/Organization which can help me and my community even though I could not go ahead with my higher studies. Late at night, I rang up to Rev. Fr. Matthew Keemattam, asked him whether I can meet him at his residence, to which he welcomed me willingly. I went and met him, share all my problems. I also mentioned my desire about starting a trust/organization to help my community people. Then he insisted me to go for my higher studies, promised to bear my admission expenses and also encourage me to follow my vision. He also advised me to meet Rev. Fr. Vemedo Joseph Kezo who became my mentor and a friend, supporting me to start EFG from day one till today. That very night when I was with Rev. Fr. Vemedo Joseph Kezo, I also shared with him my desire about starting a trust/organization. Though the concept and the ideas were very sketchy, he advised me against starting a trust. However, he told me to start an organization through which I can work for environmental conservation in Nagaland. He has been a guide, a mentor and a friend from day one i.e. from 15th Oct 2015 in making EFG history which marked in “Golden Letter”. It was later registered under Societies Registration Act 1860.

Keduolhoukho Chadi (Dominic Chadi)


Khrieketoulie Metha

Khrieketoulie Metha


Vizosu Kikhi

Vizosu Kikhi


Petoungunuo Roseline

Petoungunuo Roseline


Sedekuonuo Rulho

Sedekuonuo Rulho


Sekhonuo Chadi

Sekhonuo Chadi


Medoneisa Chadi

Medoneisa Chadi


Dominic Deepan

Dominic Deepan

Website Administration | Director of Ferrando Web Technologies Private Limited, Chennai


EFG is one of both prevention and response relevant. The organization is focusing on reducing the harmful effects caused to the environment. It provides services of expert advice and opinion during an emergency. EFG also monitor compliance with the Environment Protection Act where the greatest difference can be made regarding potential harm to the environment and the likelihood of non-compliance. EFG aspires to create a healthy environment that supports a livable and prosperous environment. EFG effectively regulate “Free Pollution” in State. The EFG is striving to deliver

  • Clean air,
  • Healthy and clean water ways,
  • Afforestation,
  • Safe land and
  • Minimal disturbances from noise and odour.

Air Quality

 To regulate and monitor burning, industrial activities and processes which may lead to airborne pollution. In order to do this effectively, EFG work closely with local authorities and other partners to manage and improve air quality.

Climate Change

Climate change is also one of the greatest threats to our physical and socio-economic future. Climate change presents very serious global risks and it demands an urgent global response. The effects of climate change can be seen in increased temperature changes, increased heavy rainfall. These changes have a significant impact on the growing, breeding and migration seasons, as well as different species abundance and diversity.

Land Quality

To protect and enhance the quality of land through provision of guidance and better land use practice and a variety of regulatory measures at grass-root level. EFG regulate the authority with Government, Trust, NGOs and other association for all waste management activities including the licensing of sites such as landfill, incineration and recycling facilities. It also regulate the movement of hazardous wastes such as fibrous asbestos, infectious clinical wastes and harmful chemicals.


EFG identify the factors under the Planning for Environmental Protection, and help to deliver the Government’s commitment in providing more effective and efficient planning system. EFG provide formal environmental advice in relation to development plans and on various developmental proposals across the State and Nation with different Trust and NGOs. EFG takes consultative approach with active social workers where they can add more valuable keynote for protecting our environment.


Waste can also be put to good use through 3Rs Reduce, Reuse, Recycling, composting and thermal treatment. EFG always make the best way possible to implement the matter to minimize the negative effects of waste through waste minimization and prevention. EFG will also support the Government and other Trust/NGOs/ Organizations in delivering waste management and cleanliness.

Water Quality

The EFG maintain and improve the quality of surface water and ground-water. EFG help in protecting and improving the water through regulation, monitoring and planning by using different modern techniques.

Consultation and influencing

EFG use its influence and provide education to change attitudes and behaviour towards the environment. Action, in several policy areas in directing towards business and commerce at all levels, children in education, the general public, local government, and the Government.

Area of Operation

The area operation of Earth Friendly Generation in Nagaland and even beyond the borders. You cand find the current area of operations on the list below/right.













Over the past three decades, I have found the importance of our Mother Earth as the most beautiful and precious gift for humankind. However, the degradation of our green environment has caused ecological imbalance. Our negligence and the ignorance towards the ecology have a great role to play too in its degradation. Environmental protection is the practice of protecting the natural environment by individual, organizations and government organizations for the benefit of both the natural environment and the human being. However, due to the increase in human population and advancement in technology, the biophysical environments are being degraded at times permanently.

Environment and human share a close relationship. Particularly in a tribal society, it is the nature that provides the needs of the community.  A traditional practice which is based on check and balance has been preserving the environment until recently.

The defense of nature’s rights is also the defense of people’s rights. This is what we intend to do via the activities of EFG – the democracy of all life on earth, a living democracy which supports and is supported by a living being and non-living beings. However, these things are often seen at odds in the path of economic growth. Environmental protection and economic development can go hand in hand for which we need strong laws to protect our environment and sustainable economic development policies.

Our Fore-Fathers had much concern about the environment protection. These were prescient words. While India had strong environmental legislation even in the pre-1991 era., The Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972, Water Act of 1974, Forest (Conservation) Act of 1980, Air Act of 1981, and The Environment (Protection) Act of 1986, the implementation is weak and lacking.

In recent years, EFG has to depend on the goodwill of our well-wishers to carry out different activities without getting any fund from the government. That is just one problem and there is no doubt that I face a new set of challenges. But I also have moments of success and glory. There were times when I have to run from pillar to post seeking for assistance. But I had never forgotten my ideals and my mentors who always guide me all throughout. I have never departed from my mission and vision in search of fame and fortune.

In fact, EFG is ready to collaborate with any organizations/well-wisher/ donors agency to achieve its mission, vision and work for the environmental conservation in our State.

Outcomes and Expectation:

  1. Sustainable and equitable use of resources without affecting the Natural resources
  2. Conserve and enhance natural and man-made heritage, including our biological diversity of unique ecosystems
  3. More awareness and understanding of the link between environment and development
  4. Active participation of individual and community
  5. Promote Environmental Protection within the national territory in coordination with all levels of Government/Trust/NGOs/Association.
  6. Clean Air Quality
  7. Green and Clean Communities
  8. Protecting Waters
  9. Expand the Conservation on Environment and Working for Environmental Protection
  10. Build a Strong Global Nation-State and Environmental Partnerships.


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